Resources and Information for LGBTQ+ People in Northern Arizona
located in Northern Arizona. serves Yavapai County.
Linking Dreams inspires the world to be more inclusive of everyone by providing a bridge between people, culture and technology. We offer strategic consulting and advising services, training, and program development/design to serve a broad range of people. We help businesses and non-profits solve issues resulting from organizational change, a culture shifts, and help them create solutions that create a better environment for the people they serve and those they employ. Linking Dreams specializes in LGBTQ+ populations and helping organizations serve this population's unique needs in a range of areas.
Trainings for Organization in LGBTQ+ support and more
located in Northern Arizona. serves Yavapai County.
LGBTQ+ and Transgender Subject Matter Expert, Chris “Link” Duarte, provides trainings and speaking events on LGBTQ+ topic areas. See website for full list of topics.
Last updated 11/9/2023